Pavilion Lodge
Pavilion Lodge dates from the 1770s and is one of the main entrances to Duns Castle, leading on to the grand lime avenue (this is in the private curtilage of the Castle and should not be accessed). A full height gothic arch links the round towers, which have a square plan at ground level. The castellated parapets give a defensive feel to this building.
There has been a castle here from at least the 1320s, and the eastern elevation is still the original tower. Later additions comprise an early 19th century Gothic remodelling of a 15th century tower house. Views to the castle can be gained from the path to Duns Law, but it is best viewed from the west side road leading from opposite Berwickshire High School.
Taking the road to your right for about 400 yards will lead you to the Nature Reserve and Hen Poo lake.
Retrace your steps back through the North Lodge and down Upper Castle Street to the junction with the main road: Castle Street/Teindhillgreen